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Re: Roy Schestowitz Getting Lambasted On Digg.Com.

On Friday 16 March 2007 20:23 wylbur.horseman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> Why do you feel the need to repost your comments on digg to so many
>> Usenet newsgroups ?

> Your tin-foil hat is on a little too tight.

You silly silly boy

> I never realized that paranoia is contagious, but I suppose it's a
> disease that comes a long as a by-product of Linux advocacy because it
> seems so prevelant in the Linux groups.

You speak of paranoia, but you seem to be unable to recognise your own.

You are now so paranoid about Linux, and in particular Roy, that you
desperately change nym daily, try to imitate Roy in your postings to try to
disparage him in the eyes of others, you flit from one newsgroup to the
next with your cross-postings, and even go so far as to post on Digg under
your nyms.

- You are paranoid, but call others paranoid

- You cross-post daily, but accuse others of spamming

- When you "attack the messenger", you accuse others of "attacking the

- When people point out that all your nyms are from the same mentally sick
source, you don't deny it, you merely respond with messages like "and I
suppose that you can prove that?", posting under yet another of your nyms.

You are an idiot and a loser - a Big Girl's Blouse, in fact.

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