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Re: 4 Things Microsoft/Windows Fails to Deliver

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Wednesday 14 March 2007 17:51 \__

> B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> On Monday 12 March 2007 00:25 roys.testicles@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> The problem with Linux is that is sucks.....
>> I wonder who wrote (and cross-posted) that?
>> ...oh!...........look!
> I thought that individual.net had stopped offering free usenet posting
> access?

Maybe Gary asked his supervisor to have a little chat with these chaps. Some
payola, black helicopters, maybe 'whacking' them with a wet fish... :-S

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz    The Holy Bible: http://www.gtk.org/documentation.html
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