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Re: [News] It's About Devices, Not the Desktop (the Big Chance for Linux)

__/ [ flyer ] on Thursday 15 March 2007 17:51 \__

> In article <1672897.bGjReUFVSn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says...
>> Fujistu Siemens chief predicts the empty desktop
> I'm looking foreward to a fat wrist device and holographic screen and
> keyboard. Rollup, or foldup physical keyboard as accessory. I'll ALWAYS
> use a keyboard.

You mention a holographic screen, but I am not sure the "and" also suggests a
holographic keyboard. Keyboards that are projected onto the desk already
exist (Japanese product the size of a pencil). Voice recognition and
tracking of the eye/hand is another thing that's heavily researched these
days. Last year I participated in an experiment involving 3-D hand tracker
that's used to interact with a 3-D interface. It tires the arm though.

> Unless I get a Think-A-Tron mini headset for data input.
> Although since I can't control my jumbled thoughts...
> Heck, I'm migrating my mind to MentalLinux 3.0.

Innovation drives products and products drive innovation. While companies
that thrive in legacy try to suppress change, evolution in technology is
inevitable. Just see what happened to Microsoft when they ignored Google and
refused to adopt an AJAX-like approach back in the 90s when they saw its
potential. They are behind in services, Web apps, and search. Lockins will
fade away... it's a ticking time bomb and they will try to extract as much
money as they can while it lasts. The employees will try to get a Microsoft
paycheck for as long as possible (the talented ones escape elsewhere while
they can) and shill in their blogs/Wikipedia whenever time permits.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | What is all that lipstick in XP's close button?
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