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[News] Breaking a Myth -- Linux is Actually Harder for Advanced Users, Not Casual Users

Four weeks with Ubuntu Linux on the desktop. Part 2: Down the rabbit hole.

,----[ Quote ]
| Interestingly, this shows that the notion that Linux is only for
| highly technical computer geeks is a myth. The opposite is more
| likely to be true.
| [...]
| So far, Ubuntu has been a terrific experience. Most of the minor
| issues I had are the types of problems new users commonly have
| with computers in general (How do I adjust the sound? How do I
| get apps to start automatically when I login? And so on.).
| Getting to a functional and aesthetically pleasing desktop
| environment is essential and Ubuntu handled that critical
| first step with ease. The more I use it, the more my old
| Windows habits fade, and the easier it becomes.


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