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Re: [News] Novell a "Strong Sell", Mixed Messages

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
S&P Cuts Novell to Strong Sell

,----[ Quote ]
| Downgrades to 1 STARS (strong sell) from 2 STARS (sell)

Phef...he already had it at 2 stars. Not much difference.


So Novell is Microsoft's bitch now.

If the bitch is a rotweiler, then yes...

"Speaking at a press conference in Sydney recently, Hovsepian said he was pleased by the slow uptake of Microsoft's desktop operating system Vista."We're excited by the muted reaction to Vista," he said. "We're going to attack [Microsoft] vigorously and go after their footprint as much as we can," Hovsepian said.

Vista was five years in the making, so the code behind it is very complex according to Hovsepian, whereas open source is more nimble and flexible. "And we have got to take advantage of that."

The HSBC announcement will see the bank, which has 9,500 offices and 284,000 employees in 76 countries, sign up to a three-year support subscription to Suse Linux Enterprise Server from Novell."

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