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Re: [News] First Open Source Game Magazine Kicks Off

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Wednesday 14 March 2007 14:17 \__

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Wikipedia Founder Launches "Open-Source Game Magazine"
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Gamingwikia Wikia, the new project of Wikipedia founder Jimmy
>> | Wales, announced today the debut of gaming.wikia, described by
>> | the company as an "open-source magazine" about video games to
>> | which any user can add content.
>> `----
>> http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/03/wikipedia_found.html
> Doh! I read that as (Open Source Game) Magazine, not (Open Source
> Magazine) for Games.
> http://debianlinux.net/games.html

I had seen the ambiguity just a second before psoting. It wasn't delibearte.
FWIW, have a look. All the winners bloe are open source. Viva la reuse.

Mods of 2006 - Player's Choice

,----[ Quote ]
| 80,000 votes. 4,000 mods. Over the course of 2 months, gamers from
| across the globe came together to decide which mods rank as the
| epitome of what our hard working community can do.
| [...]
| 5th Place. CodeRED - Alien Arena 
| 4th Place. Nexuiz
| 3rd Place. OpenArena
| 2nd Place. Warsow
| 1st Place. Tremulous


                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue"
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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