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[News] HSBC Chooses Linux; Xen Virtualization Enhancements for SAP on Linux

HSBC Taps Microsoft-Novell Agreement to Reduce Linux Cost and Complexity

,----[ Quote ]
| Global bank selects SUSE Linux Enterprise as its standard Linux
| distribution, citing interoperability with Windows Active Directory
| and integrated Windows and Linux platform support.


WHat I can't understand is why /Microsoft/ paid for this press release, which
mentions "intellectual property". MSFT down to $26.72, despite buybacks.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server With Xen Virtualization From Novell Available
for SAP NetWeaver and mySAP Business Suite

,----[ Quote ]
| Jointly tested by Novell and SAP, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with
| Xen met or exceeded SAP's stringent performance requirements for
| SAP applications in a virtualized environment. 


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