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[News] Bruce Perens Goes Against the Novell Deal, Again

Perens to rain on Novell's parade

,----[ Quote ]
|  The topics will be
|     * The Microsoft-Novell agreement
|     * GPL version 3 and how it will impede Novell from making use of new 
|       innovation by the Free Software community
|     * Software patents vs. Free Software.



Is the Microsoft-Novell deal dead on arrival?

,----[ Quote ]
| The potentially historic Microsoft-Novell pact announced last week,
| whereby Microsoft would grant patent peace to users of Novell's Suse
| Linux software in exchange for royalty payments paid by Novell to
| Microsoft, will be dead by mid-March, promises Eben Moglen, the
| general counsel of the Free Software Foundation (FSF).


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