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[News] Reviews of Debian Linux, Elive 0.6.5, BOSS Linux, Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Herd 5

Exploring the Debian Installer

,----[ Quote ]
| Debian's installer is actually a single program with three
| different front-ends (Text, Newt, and GTK), each of which is
| functionally identical, for the most part. With the exception
| of creating encrypted partitions - a feature currently only
| available through the Newt front-end (see References below) -
| each of the front-ends works the same way.


Review: Elive 0.6.5

,----[ Quote ]
| I definitely liked Elive. It is a fully functional distribution based
| on the Enlightenment desktop. The live CD configuration and setup is
| definitely among the best I have used. Giving me the ability to use
| the Nvidia binary drivers was an excellent feature of the distribution.
| Being based on Debian makes the system easy to update and install
| new applications. You also know the underpinnings of the 
| distribution are solid since it is based on Debian.


BOSS Tarang 1.1 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| BOSS Linux, based in India, is trying to be the first Linux
| distribution trying to support all official languages of India.
| It does also support English which is also being used more in
| that country.


Ubuntu 7.04 Alpha 5+ - Updating experiences

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm writing about how Ubuntu handled an automatic update the week of March
| 5, 2007...
| [...]
| Upgrading is not always straight forward. Again, Windows proves the
| point, most notably with XP SP2. Many IT shops refused to push out
| SP2 because it broke one or more key internal applications. As an
| example of this, up until mid-2005, when I still worked for SAIC,
| SAIC refused to fully install SP2 (although, oddly enough,
| Lockheed/Martin, to whom SAIC served as a subcontractor on am
| ajor program, had no such issues and installed it on all their
| machines).


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