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[News] Has American Law in Technology Lost It?

When Lawyers are writing your Press Release... redhat

,----[ Quote ]
| American lawyers. They have destroyed the Capitalism and the
| innovation.
| The good news is that Red Hat's customers don't read this kind
| of attorney gibberish, so they are not aware that you can't trust
| what Red Hat says.
| If all the major American companies will start having this kind
| of disclaimers, then it's better to sign contracts with European
| ones.



Small Businesses Call for Patent Reform

,----[ Quote ]
| Small business owners pleaded Thursday for an overhaul of the U.S.
| patent system they say unfairly favors corporate titans who can
| afford lengthy approvals time and expensive litigation to protect
| patents.
| [...]
| Riley also blamed part of the backlog on tech giants, such as Microsoft
| and others. He said they face a "litigation crisis" because they focus
| on making incremental improvements to existing inventions and "stomp
| all over" the individual inventors and small businesses that are
| innovating.


Tech companies, investors clash over patent law

,----[ Quote ]
| Large technology players such as Oracle, Microsoft and eBay have
| lamented what some call a "broken" U.S. patent system prone to the
| rise of so-called "trolls" who sit on broad or obvious patents to
| extort exorbitant settlements from deep-pocketed companies like theirs.


Big businesses boast of patent benefits, for small businesses

,----[ Quote ]
| A report published by an EU task force on intellectual property claims
| that small businesses benefit from a patent system, despite lacking
| almost any participation by the small business community.
| Instead, the report, titled IPR (intellectual property rights) for
| competitiveness and innovation, was written up almost entirely by
| large corporations and the patent industry.
| [...]
| The report does note objections from the likes of patentfrei.de and
| Sun Microsystems, which were recorded at some length in the report.
| But this does not appear to have impacted the conclusion of the
| report in any way
| [...]
| Jean-Pierre Laisne, of ObjectWeb, an open source software community,
| said that he found the report useless: participants were told that
| all their contributions would be recorded but at the end only
| those of Business Software Alliance and Microsoft were used.


Commerce Secretary names Schramm to innovation panel

,----[ Quote ]
| He will be part of a lineup that includes the Microsoft Corp. CEO
| Steve Ballmer, 3M CEO George Buckley, UPS Chairman and CEO Michael Eskew,
| IBM CEO Samuel Palmisano and Wal-Mart Stores Vice Chairman John
| Menzer.


US 'no longer technology king'

,----[ Quote ]
| The US has lost its position as the world's primary engine of technology 
| innovation, according to a report by the World Economic Forum.
| The US is now ranked seventh in the body's league table measuring the 
| impact of technology on the development of nations.
| A deterioration of the political and regulatory environment
|                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| in the US prompted the fall, the report said. 
| The top spot went for the first time to Denmark, followed by Sweden.
| Innovation 
| [...]


System, method and program product for community review of documents

,----[ Quote ]
| Abstract: A system, method and program product for providing for
| the review of documents by a community...


IP ant and IP grasshopper

,----[ Quote ]
| Politicians jump to praise IP and courts endorse it because, they
| think, it's the only way to reward invention and keep innovation going.
| [...]
| The idea that the world would pay Verizon an IP tax on common
| Internet standards is absurd. It's just another way to keep the
| U.S. phone network marching backward, and assure that the
| Internet's future is made in Asia.


Where will innovation come from?

,----[ Quote ]
| O'Rourke turns to Worldmapper, a tool created by geographers at
| the University of Sheffield (UK). Basically, it shows maps of
| the world - national boundaries intact - that show nations as
| fat or skinny based on how they stack up in terms of population,
| R&D expenditures, or whatever data you plug into them.


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