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[News] World's Top Companies Become Windows Botnets, Assist Cybercrime

So who sent you that spam? HP or Oracle?

,----[ Quote ]
| Support Intelligence isn't the only firm to implicate the business
| world in the malware scourge. Webroot released a study today
| reporting that of 600 global businesses surveyed, 43 per
| cent suffered disruptions because of malware infections. Sixty
| percent had no information security plan.


And yesterday it turned out that, in single incident, credit card details of
over 40 million people got stolen, probably by hijackers.

Rise in online banking fraud 

,----[ Quote ]
| Customers are advised to guard their computers by installing
| anti-virus and anti-spyware.


Hackers tailoring attacks to hit different victims

,----[ Quote ]
| Top experts with the Atlanta-based research operation said that
| malware writers, phishing scheme operators, and botnet herders
| are more frequently employing so-called personalisation tools to
| make their attacks more effective.



Image spam fattens junk mail

,----[ Quote ]
| The increased size of spam messages, to say nothing of their volume,
| might result in higher costs for end users forced to up their
| bandwidth and storage resources.


Microsoft is the world's biggest cause of zombie remailers

,----[ Quote ]
| In China, it would take about one and one-half years wages (for the
| average Chinese) to buy a legitimate copy of Windows Vista. If you
| could find it here.
| Microsoft is the biggest cause of zombie remailers in the world,
| because they make noises, but do not do anything to address the
| real digital inequities in the world. 


Botnet 'pandemic' threatens to strangle the net

,----[ Quote ]
| Cerf estimated that between 100 million and 150 million of the
| 600 million PCs on the internet are under the control of hackers,
| the BBC reports. "Despite all that, the net is still working,
| which is pretty amazing. It's pretty resilient," he said.


Spam Made Up 94% Of All E-Mail In December 

,----[ Quote ]
| "The major event in communications security is the emergence of
| botnets. This has changed the game, the dynamics, and economics
| of the Internet security marketplace. When the bad guys can now
| harness more than a million computers around the world and use
| them to push an increasing amount of attacks, that's a major
| change."


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