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Re: [News] [OT] EC Intervenes to Stop Anticompetitive Practices in Broadband Market

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> European Commission beats telco open access drum
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The European Commission has reiterated its determination to see
> | the remaining closed telecoms networks broken open to broadbandc
> | ompetition.
> `----
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/03/29/reding_bt_dt/

There is a problem with this. In the end someone has to take care of all of
the communications equipment including lines that all the communications
companies rely on.

In the UK at the moment that is in the main BT. 

BT are not my favourite company, horrible to deal with, I get loads of wrong
bills that can take a couple hours each on the phone to sort out. I also
don't really get a very good Internet link in my particular area.

But if I go with anyone else, except NTL, I still go through the same lines.
I don't gain anything on the equipment side. I will almost certainly get a
cheaper bill, but that is only because the people selling the service do
not need to provide or train engineers to work on the communications
systems, they only need to pay something to BT for use of their network.
Many of these communications sellers only have an office, to them an
engineer is a listening device on their BMW.

Someone has to take care of the comms equipment and replace/modernise it,
and those people have to be paid. Would we really want to see a simmilar
system as on network rail, where Network rail spend a bare minimum on the
actual rails because any work they do eats away at the profit?

Communications would go down hill if the same thing is set in place instead
of BT. The companies, only a desk and a phone, who sell the comms services
couldn't spend money on equipment, because they have to stay competitive
with the comms company in the next cubicle, and anyway each would say 'It's
not our problem, we sell the service, it's someone elses problem if the
lines are down'. plus there is the next BMW to pay for.

So, I don't actually want the EU interfereing with our comms this time. BT
are not great, but they are better than the potential, or likely,
alternative. I definately don't support the desk-n-phone brigade who
contribute nothing to the actual network.

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