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Re: [News] Man Required to Pay for Two Windows Licences

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Friday 30 March 2007 11:40 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> PC World refuses Windows refund
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Barry Dorrans bought the PC so that he could test the Windows Home
>>| Server Beta and wanted his cash back on the pre-installed copy of
>>| Vista.
>>| He reasoned that even if he put Vista back on the machine he would
>>| use his MSDN licence for Vista Ultimate.
>> `----
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=38577
> The sooner we can get computers with linux pre-installed, the better,
> then these kinds of debates will become a thing of the past.  The whole
> situation is contrived by Microsoft's lock-ins around licensing deals,
> something which was ruled illegal in the US, but might still be legal
> elsewhere, like in the UK, say.  That said, the EULA is clear, if you
> don't want it, you can take it back.
> Is this something for the OFT to take up?

Microsoft would argue that the O/S is "an integral part of the computer", or
else it's a 'naked pc'. But wait! There's another very capable O/S, which
does not requite Apple hardware. "No O/S" does not equate piracy, and the
"not ready for the desktop" myth is simply a steretype used tool to justify
this 'naked PC' argument. Linux-hostile hardware, given incitive to
encourage it, makes Microsoft look even uglier. Political manipulation,
deception, and lunch with clueless executives...

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: A dragonfly only lives for one day
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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