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Re: Open Source & Linux has no place in OLPC

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Friday 30 March 2007 11:35 \__

> Is this an article by one of our resident Windows enthusiasts, or is it a
> spoof by "7"?
> "Open source has its time and place, and its time and place isn?t on the
> $100 laptop for students. Students need to learn about technology with the
> primary tools that are actually used by other people. They may "learn"
> about computers and technology on this laptop, but if you sat them down in
> front of a real OS, they wouldn't know what to do. Shouldn?t we teach them
> computer skills that are actually going to help them in the future?"

You should see other articles from Bradon Watts. I sent him an E-mail the
other day because his life seems to revolve around the Macs and how pretty
and cute they are. In general, this site is a rather poor one. It seems to
be associated with that network where one editor-in-chief wrote the article
"why Microsoft should buy Linux". He got _a lot_ of unwanted attention for
his stupidity.

Aaron Seigo (of KDE) said something intersting when Thom from OSNews wrote
about GNOME and KDE going nowhere. He said, just because someone has a Web
site doesn't mean he or she knows better. And boy, was he right! Enderle the
Microsoft shill gets a spot in quite a few publications, doesn't he? Despite
being banned by a few, as a matter of policy and principal. Next up: John C.
Dvorak, who openly admit he is trolling.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows leaves me peckish
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/3                         Fri Mar 30 08:19 - 08:20  (00:00)    
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