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[News] Europe Invests 3 Million Euros in Assessment of Quality of Free Software

Fraunhofer IESE Participating in European Open Source Quality Offensive

,----[ Quote ]
| As one of eight consortium partners, Fraunhofer IESE provides support for 
| the European project QualOSS - Quality of Open Source Software. Its subject 
| is a quality evaluation system for Open Source software... The project has
| an overall volume of almost 3 million euros and is initially scheduled
| to run until 31 March 2009.


Also announced yesterday:

Critical Open Source Software Projects Receive 6,000 Bug Fixes in First Year
of Coverity Scan Site

,----[ Quote ]
| Department of Homeland Security open source hardening project grows to
| 150 applications and regular scans of 35 million lines of source code




Europe, Brazil and China Unite to Foster Open Source Software to Boost Growth

,----[ Quote ]
| The 20 founding members, across Europe, Brazil and China, are a
| heavyweight group of ICT industry players (Atos Origin, Bull,
| Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, European Dynamics, Siemens,
| Telefonica I+D, Thales), SMEs (Centro Ricerche Matematica Pura e
| Applicata, Mandriva), governments (the Department for innovation
| and technologies of the Italian Presidency of the Council of
| ministers, the French Gendarmerie Nationale, Serpro), and
| academics (Fraunhofer FOKUS, INRIA, the Poznan Supercomputing
| and Networking Center, the State University of Sao Paulo, the
| South China University of Technology / Guangzhou Middleware
| Research Center, the University of Bozen, the University of 
| Insubria and the University Rey Juan Carlos). The project is
| funded by the European Commission under its sixth framework
| program (FP6), as part of the Information Society Technologies
| (IST) initiative.


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