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[News] Windows Suffers from Artificial Limitations and User-Driven DDOS Attacks

Reaching the Limit of Windows 2003: Numbers of Explorer Windows.

,----[ Quote ]
| At the end, the computer froze and we couldn't open anymore explorer.
| There was no more app that we can close, so we reached the limit of
| the numbers of Explorer in Windows at 84 Explorers. We realized that
| the every explorer uses only one process.
| After the computer froze, we had to forcefully turn off the computer.
| The explorer window was corrupted. It didn't have the Toolbar on the
| top. We search on the internet, and we found out the reason:
|     this behavior is caused by one or more corrupt values in the
|     Windows Registry.


Someone also argued that a persistent keypress in Vista can trigger the
opening of many windows, which render the platform virtually dead and
require a reboot.


Windows Calc.exe Denial of Service Attack

,----[ Quote ]
| The only solution I?ve been able to find is to kill the VM from the
| Virtual Server console.  This is the virtual equivalent of pulling
| the plug out of the wall.


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