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[News] Article on Linux Adoption in India

OSS diversifies as it gains acceptance

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux operating system is already making inroads in Indian
| enterprises with huge deployments such as LIC with 2,000 desktops.
| 6,000 schools in Uttar Pradesh have adopted Linux in their
| curriculum.



Meet on free software demands policy changes

,----[ Quote ]
| P.Madhu, MP, said the Free Software movement was gaining a lot of
| momentum across the world and it was a movement for freedom,
| independence and self-reliance.


Partners in Punjab unite against Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| With Microsoft resorting to penalizing the channel community in an
| effort to curb software piracy, industry experts feel that it might
| induce channel to look at selling other options, including Linux


CPI(M) for free and open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| West Bengal Minister for IT Debesh Das said there were strategic
| benefits with free and open source software as it would reduce
| imports, enhance national security and reduce copyright
| infringement. National Knowledge Commission vice-chairman P.
| M. Bhargava said the world was entering into an era of
| knowledge imperialism using software as an effective tool
| and there was a need to counter this.


Indian Policy Makers Call For Greater Use Of Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| A wide spectrum of policy makers called for the greater usage of open
| source to modernize India in the digital era and the re-evaluation of
| the laws pertaining to Intellectual Property. The event sought to examine
| the notion of intellectual "property," in the context of traditional
| knowledge, globalization and the growth of the open source movement
| worldwide.


Forum for Open Source Initiatives in India Formed

,----[ Quote ]
| Sandeep Menon, convener of FOSII and director of Linux business for
| Novell West Asia, said, "FOSII members belong to various facets
| of the Linux/OSS (Open Source Software) ecosystem, which includes
| the industry, academia, government and the community. Though the
| initial members are all from India, some foreign members too are
| expected to join this forum to share their global experience and
| aid the initiative."


India can live without Microsoft 

,----[ Quote ]
| More than 6,500 Linux systems have already been packed off to
| villages and another 6,100 Acer desktop systems with Suse on
| their way.
| Umashankar said that more than 20,000 desktop systems will be
| installed in schools that will only run on Suse. All ELCOT
| servers will run on Redhat. ELCOT expects to train 30,000
| government officials in Linux and Open Office too.


AP to forge ties with MIT for open source software

,----[ Quote ]
| The Andhra Pradesh government is forging ties with the Massachusetts
| Institute of Technology (MIT), US, for collaboration in the areas of
| e-governance, data standards and service-oriented architecture.
| "MIT will provide funding and technological assistance for
| developing and promoting different software components
| including an open source platform," said state IT secretary
| K Ratnaprabha. 


Tamil Nadu (India) Shutting the Door On Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| "The managing director of the IT procurement, consulting, and training
| agency for the Tamil Nadu government describes the reasons why he has
| chosen OSS, and also how he dealt with Microsoft executives."


Kerala On Linux Express Highway

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux slip-road that the state took is slowly becoming an
| express highway.
| [...]
| If we twist Napoleon's quote on China a bit, we can safely say, "Linux is a 
| sleeping giant, let it sleep, because when Linux moves the world moves!"


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