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[News] Anti-Groklaw Slander Resolved?

ChangeLog: Groklaw is hosted by an IBM-supported Web site -- and this means
absolutely nothing

,----[ Quote ]
| I suppose I could write an inflammatory headline that said so, although
| I'd rather write one about how IBM "sponsors" the ibiblio-hosted
| Tibetan Center for Conflict Resolution, a group whose services SCO
| CEO Darl McBride could certainly use. 


Clarification also posted in Groklaw, with many consecutive updates.


IBM [Does NOT] Helps Fund Web Hosting For Anti-SCO Site Groklaw 

,----[ Quote ]
| Paul Jones said the funding from those companies didn't influence
| his decision to provide free hosting to Groklaw on ibiblio's
| servers. "We have a collection criteria, and Groklaw meets that 
| criteria," he said.


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