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[News] Microsoft Unhappy with European Commission's Stance on IP Laws

EC leaves personal use out of criminal IP laws

,----[ Quote ]
| Arguments over the definition of what constitutes "commercial scale"
| infringement have been drawn out and complicated. Eventually, the 
| committee agreed to leave copying for personal use uncriminalised.
| It states that to be criminal an infringement must be "a deliberate
| and conscious infringement of the intellectual property right for
| the purpose of obtaining commercial advantage".
| Lobby groups for rights holders are unsurprisingly unhappy with
| this clause. But the Business Software Alliance says it is also
| unhappy with the "incitement to infringe" clause. This might give
| Microsoft's execuitives pause for thought.



British Government Comes Out Against 'Pure' Software Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| The answer is reassuring but perhaps doesn't go far enough, and gives
| no specific promises to bring into line a patent office that grants
| software patents (according to the petition) 'against the letter
| and the spirit of the law'. 


Micron Opening Lobbying Office in DC

,----[ Quote ]
| Micron Technology Inc., on Thursday said it has opened a government
| affairs office in Washington to lead the computer memory maker's
| lobbying efforts on patent reform, international trade, research
| funding and other issues.
| [...]
| Carroll, 33, worked for the last six years as trade policy
| director for semiconductor maker Intel Corp., which she joinedi
| n 1998 as European government affairs policy manager based in
| Brussels, Belgium.


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