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[News] Jerry Bowles, H-P, and SC Magazine Reject Windows Vista

SC Magazine Yet Again Snubs Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| OK, call me a Microsoft sympathizer, but I fail to see how a
| company as progressive and advancing in the field of enterprise
| security as Microsoft can be completely ignored in the latest
| rounds of the SC Magazine Awards.


What I Hate Most About Microsoft Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| My first disappointment was discovering that my new Vista computer
| was no faster than my old one running XP?despite having 2 gigs of
| RAM.  Vista is a ruthless RAM-sucker.  That's not my least
| favorite thing, though.
| [...]
| But, if Bill thinks I'm going to spring for an Office Update,
| he's nuts.  There is just too much good Office 2.0 stuff out
| there and I'm planning to hold a grudge about the permissions
| nonsense for a very long time.


HP Dealing With Vista-Laser Questions; Some Headaches Remain

,----[ Quote ]
| Vince Ferraro, HP's vice president of worldwide marketing for the
| HP LaserJet Business Unit, has been fielding questions and
| complaints regarding compatibility between Microsoft Vista
| and a number of HP laserjet printers and sportingly shares
| a number of them on his company blog.



Adobe Has No Plans To Make Current Products Windows Vista Compatible 

,----[ Quote ]
| Adobe says it has no plans to issue updates to the current versions
| of its products to ensure Windows Vista compatibility.


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