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Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Vista Still Gets Bad Publicity for Being Broken

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, [H]omer
on Wed, 09 May 2007 11:52:07 +0100
> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> The Vista Experiment is over. Conclusion: Choose Life.
> Unfortunately for the hoards of rubes out there, the experiment is just
> beginning.
>> New 'Get a Mac' Ads Mock Vista Again and Again
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The best of a new crop posted Monday night is "Choose a Vista," 
>> | which features John "PC" Hodgman spinning a game wheel to select a
>> | version of Vista. Cries of "Big Operating System! Big Operating
>> | System! Daddy needs an upgrade!" Will stay with me for a long time.
>> `----
>> http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/2007/05/new_get_a_mac_a.html
> Hilarious as ever, but he misquoted the number of versions; it's
> actually *eight* not *six*:
> http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/winvista_editions_final.asp


A few notes.

[1] Starter does not support migration from XP.  (???!)
[2] Maximum 1024x768 Starter resolution.  Woo, that'll sell.
[3] None of the home editions support remote desktop, P2P meeting
    place, Windows web server, or Windows fax client.  There
    goes that Home Office -- unless one goes to, well, lemme think here,
    there's gotta be a solution.  Starts with an "L"...
[4] 3D Chess is a "premium game"??  Linux includes a chessboard
    as a screensaver, and it could probably be converted into a game.
    In fact, it probably already has been.  (I'd have to look.)
[5] Precisely what is an "advanced photography feature"?
[6] Is "Direct Media Mode" what I think it is?  They should
    call it "Direct Restriction Mode".  Can't be too careful,
    after all, with those nasty eeeeevil movie duplicators
    out there.
[7] Starter networking?  What starter networking?  How is it
    going to get its virus updates??
[8] Starter has SNMP support without working?  My brain hurts.
[9] Oh yes, that Cornerstone will stop those pesky viruses cold in their
    tracks.  Of course it's only supported on Enterprise and Ultimate.
    Minor detail!
[10] Is SUA SFU rebottled?
[11] Wooo.  Can Starter even *run* on 256 MB?

>> Here's the effect on our lives:
>> http://www.irintech.com/x1/blogarchive.php?id=1020
> Minion: "Mr. Blair, the Iranians have launched a nuclear missile, what
>          should we do?"
> Cheesy: "Deploy countermeasures!"
> Minion: "Er ... what does 'This copy of Window is not activated' mean?"
>    ..-^~~~^-..
>  .~           ~.
> (;:           :;)
>  (:           :)
>    ':._   _.:'
>        | |
>      (=====)
>        | |
>        | |
>        | |
>     ((/   \))

Microsoft.  Where did you want that missile to go today?

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  It'll Fix Everything(tm).

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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