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Re: [News] [Linux] The Inevitability of Desktop Linux

On Monday 07 May 2007 14:06 amicus_curious wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:2338745.OZhKn7sOZd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Linux is Poised to Take Over the World
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | One of the biggest complaints I hear from computer users is how
>> | quickly their computers are made obsolete, either by the introduction
>> | of new software, demanding faster processors, more memory and better
>> | video cards, or else a new version of an operating system, demanding
>> | the same things. Linux, because of so many varieties, can be made
>> | into a perfect fit for almost any computer, no matter how old.
>> `----
> It is curious that the Linux advocates spend so much time giving one
> another articles on how easy Linux is to use or how wonderfully it works
> or some
> other laudatory element.  They preach to the choir and wonder why the
> heathens remain in their ways.

Like Microsoft, you don't seem to have anything to contribute.
Nevertheless, it does cheer me that you Microsoft enthusiasts seem to spend
so much time and effort decrying an OS that you consider is no threat at

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