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[News] [Linux] Signs That Desktop Linux is Here to Prosper, Not Just to Stay

"Linux and Countervailing Power"  

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe I'm connecting dots that are not connected, but it seems to
| me that Linux is in the early stages of becoming the effective
| countervailing power to Microsoft's OS dominance. I've been using
| Ubuntu for a while and aside from reliance on some legacy Windows
| software, this increasingly popular desktop OS does the job nicely
| and is friendly enough for any user familiar with Windows. I have
| no doubt that a few more Ubuntu iterations will only increase its
| viability.


Dell's Linux Plans Shine Light On Free Potential

,----[ Quote ]
| With Linux traveling to its desktops and notebooks, Dell is treading new
| but exciting ground.  


Desktop Linux For All?  

,----[ Quote ]
| Hallelujah! Linux on the desktop has finally arrived!


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