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[News] [Rivals] Microsoft in Catch-up Mode, CEO Resorts to Insulting Rivals

Microsoft Plays Catch-Up

,----[ Quote ]
| Yahoo! announced a $680 million deal to acquire the 80% of Right Media
| that it didn't already own. This follows Google's (Nasdaq: GOOG) larger
| $3.1 billion deal to acquire DoubleClick, a company that Microsoft was
| originally reported to have been going after.


Ballmer: "The iPhone stinks. Microsoft rules. What's new?"

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM...one trick pony??? Apple? His slur comes closest to hitting Google
| (I've said much the same thing, but what a trick to have!). But what he
| doesn't acknowledge is how shockingly "one trick" (or two-trick,
| counting both Windows and Office) Microsoft is. It's the 'innovator's
| dilemma' - Microsoft is a prisoner of its own successful past. To the
| company with two multi-billion dollar 20th Century cash cows,
| everything looks like a 20th Century cash cow problem.
| But it's not. We've moved on. Microsoft is the one-trick pony playing
| catch up here, and it's called "desktop." The company has made great
| strides in the enterprise, too (SQL Server, Windows, Sharepoint), but all
| of this also factors into its client/server myopia; its inability to
| truly innovate on the Internet.
| [...]
| Anyway, it's good that we still have somewhat obnoxious CEOs in the
| tech world. We'll know when we've finally reached commoditization when
| the Larry Ellisons, Steve Ballmers, etc. are all retired and all new
| CEOs come from Harvard Business School. What a boring world that will
| be.


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