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[News] Firefox 3 Walkthrough in Wired Magazine

First Look: Firefox 3 Alpha 4

,----[ Quote ]
| Alpha 4 is the fastest version of Firefox yet, though how much of
| that is a result of running the browser with no extensions, versus
| actual speed increase is open to debate.


Here's a man who prefers the applications, not Mozilla (different licence).

Josh Berkus: KDE Aids The PostgreSQL Team

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Josh, having to use other programs such as Open
| Office or Thunderbird would result in him and the PostgreSQL
| release team losing significant amounts of valuable time and
| effort, slowing down their release process. Of course, Kate and
| KMail are just two of the tools that help Josh and his teammates
| with a smooth PostgreSQL release process. As Josh noted,
| "Quality open source tools are key to PostgreSQL development,
| and KDE is among those tools."



Inside Firefox 3.0, Alpha 3: Gran Paradiso 

,----[ Quote ]
| If development goes according to plan, this will be the first
| version of Firefox--or of any browser, for that matter--to have
| the three key components needed to support offline Web
| applications: DOM Storage; an offline execution model; and
| synchronization. That critical foundation will let free or
| low-cost Web suites compete with Microsoft software and
| possibly break the company's decades-long domination in
| office productivity apps.


Firefox 3 'Gran Paradiso' Alpha 4 Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| Gran Paradiso Alpha 4 is now available for testing. New features
| in this development milestone of Mozilla Firefox 3 include the 
| FUEL JavaScript library for extension developers, a redesigned
| Page Info window, improvements to offline application support
| and Gecko 1.9 bug fixes. Several Mac OS X additions have also
| been made, including support for Growl notifications,
| improvements to the Cocoa user interface and an initial
| version of the Breakpad crash reporting tool.


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