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[News] Novell's Linux and Microsoft's Hidden Agenda

Inside the Microsoft-Novell deal

,----[ Quote ]
| "Microsoft is emerging as the common denominator in multiple
| strategies for identity management, which is not completely altruistic
| and could have strategic benefits by putting it in a stronger position
| at the hub of identity management across several providers' product
| lines," Goulde says.
| [...]
| Interestingly, in the case of the Sun deal, the software giant was
| also happy to fork out significant amounts of money to seal the
| pact. Microsoft paid Sun $700m upfront to resolve anti-trust
| issues, a further $900m to lay various patent matters to rest and
| $350m in royalties. Sun also agreed to pay Microsoft royalties on
| an ongoing basis for including some of its technology in its servers.
| All of this means, ironically, that Microsoft has now paid out
| large sums to help out two competitors at times in their lives
| when an injection of cash certainly hasn't gone amiss.



9.6 Years: On Beyond Novell

,----[ Quote ]
| March 24th, 2007 was my final day working at Novell. Leaving will be
| anything but easy.


Is Novell Poised for a Turnaround? It Doesn't Look Like It

,----[ Quote ]
| Is this the same Novell that in every quarter for more than a year
| either missed analysts' targets or made disappointing forecasts? Is
| this the same Novell where less than 10 percent of annual revenue
| is actually open source-related? Is this the same Novell that upset
| the open source community by signing away its soul to Microsoft?


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