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Re: [News] [Linux] Latest Red Hat Linux Gets Support from INetU

Verily I say unto thee, that BearItAll spake thusly:

> Do you remember when it became popular with many of us geek folk to
> have a home server serving our web pages. Often through dial up so
> you had to hope your mate had left his computer on and the line
> hadn't gone down at the two hour limit so you could get at the site.
> But still loads tried it.
> But now when we have super-fast always on connections, it seems to
> have lost popularity. It is understandable because hosting is so
> cheap, but it is even cheaper if the machine is your own

Even in these times of high speed bandwidth, the problem isn't the 8Mb
download speed, it's the (still) slow upload speed, unless you spend a
fortune on SDSL instead of ADSL, and even then I haven't seen any
packages greater than 2Mb (last time I checked, which was a while ago).

> I have noticed that some of the better home routers still come with a
> dmz connection, then signing up to a dyndns if you don't have your
> own domain already, so really the whole thing would be very easy. I
> wonder what puts people off. My home I use a smoothwall and have been
> thinking of putting a machine on the dmz except I can't for one
> reason only.

I have a static IP and an outward facing server, with (only) ssh open,
on a box with iptables, SELinux and denyhosts running. Via ssh I can
tunnel through to any of a number of services, including VNC and Apache,
which are also running. Between the server and the Internet I have a
router, with it's own packet filtering and DDoS protection, so I think
this set-up is as secure as it gets (other than just closing off
incoming traffic altogether).

> The reason is that I am on BT


> But when I changed my BT router for one of my own I just couldn't get
> the login part to work, which turned out to be a good thing, because
> it seems that it is the login that throttles your connection

Bizarre. There's only two ways I can connect - through my ISP with a
login, or through BT's line-checker, which IIRC only allows access to a
single web page on BT's site. I can't remember the details, but if you
go to the forums on http://bbs.adslguide.org.uk you should get the info


| 'Also, no one calls it PCI-X even though that's the "official "
| shortening of the much more commonly used "PCI Express".'
|    - Hardon Quirk, COLA's resident "genius".

Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) on sky, running kernel 2.6.20-1.2312.fc5
 23:27:03 up 32 days, 20:59,  0 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.18, 0.10

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