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Re: [News] [Linux] 90% of Autodesk's Systems Product Revenue is GNU/Linux

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Autodesk F1Q08 (Qtr End 4/30/07) Earnings Call Transcript
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | As customers continue to transition away from proprietary high-end
> | SGI workstations, revenue from our Linux based solutions continues
> | to show strong growth. In fact this quarter, nearly 90% of our
> | systems product revenue was Linux based. Overall, I'm very
> | pleased with our performance this quarter.
> `----
> http://seekingalpha.com/article/35916?source=feed


   Autodesk Maya

Found this amusing from that link:

   Note: Autodesk Maya 8.5 is also capable of running on other hardware
   configurations such as the Power Mac G4 or boutique distributions of

"boutique" Linux?


   Autodesk Burn

   Render requests are made from Inferno, Flint, Flame, Fire, Smoke, and
   Lustre systems to the Backburner server. Backburner prioritizes the
   availability and efficiency of each Burn node, and delegates rend
   tasks accordingly.


   Autodesk Lustre

   Make your projects better than real with Autodesk® Lustre® software,
   the premier creative color grading toolset specifically designed to
   take on the short-form and long-form projects faced by colorists
   every day


   mental ray

   Generate high-quality images with unsurpassed realism. Take full
   advantage of parallelism on both multicore and multiprocessor
   workstations or across networked computers to achieve scalable


   Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise Services & Support

   Creating debug.log file for FLEXlm® License Manager on Linux

<frown> License managers... what a pain in the assssssssss.


   Autodesk Flint

   Linux Advantage

   Take advantage of the latest computing, storage and networking
   technologies. Today's multi-core workstations provide compelling
   productivity gains. Autodesk creative systems harness the full power
   of multi-core processor technology, and the extensible, open
   architecture of the Linux platform.

   White Paper

      Implications of High Perfomance Linux Workstations


   Autodesk Toxik

   Autodesk Introduces Linux-based Version of Autodesk Toxik Visual
   Effects Software

   Offers Film Studios and Post-Production Facilities Greater Choice in
   Back-End Digital Film Workflow

   SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Dec. 5, 2005 At the Digital Media Festival
   in Sydney, Australia, Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) today launched
   Autodesk Toxik visual effects software running on the Linux operating


   Linux is now a prevalent operating system for feature film pipelines.
   It simplifies the management of large, computerized workgroups and
   meets the storage and networking requirements for massive,
   high-quality images.

   The Linux operating system has gained popularity amongst film studios
   and post-production facilities in Australia, Europe and North
   America. Australia's largest post-production company,...

Too many products still to post links to.

Some of them are supported on Windows and Mac as well, but it should be
obvious just how much AutoDesk is relying on Linux and other open-source

   "Don't be evil."  -- Google
   "We don't agree with that." -- Bill Gates

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