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Re: The Gospel of Tux

  • Subject: Re: The Gospel of Tux
  • From: ml2mst <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 16 May 2007 22:28:50 -0700
  • Complaints-to: groups-abuse@google.com
  • In-reply-to: <1478657.IgPrxBMK7M@schestowitz.com>
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On 7 mei, 06:10, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [ [H]omer ] on Saturday 05 May 2007 15:12 \__
> > Verily I say unto thee, that J.C. spake thusly:
> >> ml2mst <ml2...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in news:1178361477.854505.161630
> >> @y5g2000hsa.googlegroups.com:
> >>> [H]omer wrote:
> >>>> Verily I say unto thee, that J.C. spake thusly:
> >>>>> ml2mst <ml2...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> >>>>> news:1177226417.997868.274620 @n76g2000hsh.googlegroups.com:
> >>>>>>http://www.clsnet.nl/div/tuxgospel.php
> >>>>> Great unfinished piece. Witing for Grand finale.
> >>>> He's skipped a lot of detail, hasn't he? Especially WRT CP/M.
> >>>> Here's the missing text:
> >>> <snip>
> >>> Thanks again [H]omer, I copied an pasted your contribution and the
> >>> full version is available at:
> >>>http://ml2mst.topcities.com/gospel.html
> > Groovy.
> >> That was very good of you. I hope it reaches as many people as
> >> possible. Regards.
> He has got an Opensuse tune as well. Can't recall where...


And if you really love GNU/Linux, don't miss my Tuxuality song
(including the Linus voice sample, provided by Redhats's
soundconf) :-)

Unfortunately Soundclick only gives me the ability to upload MP3.

But I'm converting all my music to Ogg-Vorbis and will release a CD-
ROM that includes "my greatest hits : -)" within a couple of months.
The title of the CD-ROM is Marti van Lin BOXED: Free as in GNU.

However, there's a huge glitch into the Gospel of Tux, since Von
Neuman was _not_ the first person who build a *real* digital computer.
I really believe that Konrad Zuse should be credited for this:


And maybe we should extend the Gospel of Tux, concerning the suits of
Novell who made a pact with the beast, the Gates of hell 666. And
probably we should credit the Angels called Shane and Roy from
http://www.boycottnovell.com for spreading wisdom amongst the Earth...

Well probably I am what the colatrolls call a zealot and probably I
became a zealot because of the colatrolls :-p

Who cares, does my "zealotism" harm anyone?


With kind regards,

Marti van Lin (alias the ML2MST)
Maastricht (NL)

Supporter of http://colatrolls.blogspot.com
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