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[News] [Linux] Experts Dismiss Microsoft's Chances Against Linux (on IP)

Experts say Microsoft's patent quest won't go far

,----[ Quote ]
| He derided Microsoft for spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt)
| rather than tackling the issue forthrightly. "If Microsoft were to
| actually tell people what patents they claim we violate, we could
| either laugh in their face and show prior art, or just show them
| to be obvious, or we could do things differently," he said.



Microsoft: A law firm pretending to be an army pretending to be a software

,----[ Quote ]
| SCO failed, so now Microsoft has to do the heavy lifting itself to
| undermine open source software's legitimacy. Actually, Microsoft
| prefers to undermine Red Hat's legitimacy. Or OpenXchange's. Or
| your company's.


The Microsoft Open Source Patent Gambit

,----[ Quote ]
| First, to reiterate, as a customer I am completely uninterested in
| buying something from a vendor, and then paying every other vendor
| in the space a license to their possible additional but unproved
| patents. I'm not even interested in licensing their PROVED patents.
| Patents are vendor to vendor discussions. To make sure the license 
| wonks in Microsoft Legal and Corporate Affairs understand what I
| mean: As a customer, when I buy my Xerox copier, I do not intend
| to additionally license patents from HP, Canon, Epson, or ANY
| other copier manufacturer. I buy solutions from my vendors,
| and I expect value for money. I am uninterested in your
| protection shakedown. Move on. The bullying of customers stops now.


Free Advice for the Litigious...

,----[ Quote ]
| You would be wise to listen to the customers you're threatening
| to sue - they can leave you, especially if you give them motivation. 
| Remember, they wouldn't be motivated unless your products were somehow 
| missing the mark.


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