No end in sight for Vista's Long Goodbye
,----[ Quote ]
| To prove the point, one user found the problem went away when he ran
| an XP Pro Virtual Machine that was running on top of Vista.
| Mysteriously, it took him about eight seconds to delete the 23GB
| of files he wanted to get rid of. Using Vista on the same machine
| took him more than 25 minutes.
| Hmm, maybe the DRM conspiracists are right after all.
I don't think the author knows about this:
Notes on Vista forensics
,----[ Quote ]
| The problems are not only related to forensic software, however, and
| while some may be addressed with a simple driver update others may
| be considered even more fundamental as Scott A Moulton of Forensic
| Strategy Services, LLC. explains: "I still have major problems
| mounting large drives under Vista. I use many 1 terabyte or 2
| terabyte drives and Vista is absolutely worthless on these drives -
| I'm lucky if Vista does not actually mess the drive up. Deleting
| files is a nightmare and sometimes takes days. Just simply copying
| files is so slow it is unbearable.
| "I received quite a few responses from people who have had similar
| issues and it seems that DRM [Digital Rights Management] may be the
| most probable cause. They've found that Vista tries to check each
| file to see if there is a protection flag on it or not before even
| deleting the file."