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Re: [News] Proprietary Software Equated to Dark Ages of Computing

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
Proprietary software is from dark ages

,----[ Quote ]
| So proprietary software means that we are in the dark ages and open
| source software means that we are in a mature democratic world. In
| fact, Eric Raymond has advocated a similar argument in his essay
| titled "The Cathedral and the Bazaar". Whether you want to live in | the dark ages or in a democratic society, is your choice.


You know, when I published my call to regulate the top 3% of society, who control 84% of the wealth, when it comes to global warming and pollution, I thought it would fall on dead ears.


But now I see one of the major "trends" this decade is the "radicalization of the middle class".

Open Source is this -- things that seemed so far fetched are now making more sense to more people than ever before.

The dinosaurs are in retreat!

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