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[News] [Linux] More Linux in the US Military and Germany

Connecting Military Nets Through Open Source Collaboration

,----[ Quote ]
| JFCOM is working with several open source operating systems such as
| secure Linux to provide enhanced interoperability. Hiser explains thatt
| he open source architecture also provides the CDCIE's designers with
| greater flexibility to meet user requirements.


LinuxTag: Berlin to make better use of its open-source

,----[ Quote ]
| At the opening of the trade fairs LinuxTag and IT-Profits the
| Senator of Economics of the German federal state of Berlin 
| Harald Wolf announced in Berlin on Wednesday that his 
| department would from 2008 on be switching to Linux. 



German parliament plans to pursue open source strategy further

,----[ Quote ]
| The administration behind the Bundestag has reacted to criticism from 
| the Linux Association concerning the call for tenders for an IT
| project. 


A Network Appliance Platform for Linux Applications at the US Department of

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. military requirements for network devices are growing more and
| more demanding, making a flexible Linux-based platform the foundation
| of choice. 


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