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[News] [Linux] Review of Xubuntu Linux 7.04, OpenSolaris LiveCD Walkthrough

Xubuntu Gets Feisty

,----[ Quote ]
| If you stick with the alternate desktop CD I think most users
| will find Xubuntu Feisty Fawn to be excellent in most respects.
| Most of the applications received only minor updates from Edgy Eft.


BeleniX v0.6 LiveCD

,----[ Quote ]
| The BeleniX LiveCD that is based off of OpenSolaris with GNU
| applications has reached version 0.6 after some setbacks. While 
| this release is coming out later than expected, it is based upon
| OpenSolaris Build 60, uses X.Org 7.2, features Compiz 0.5 for
| Xfce and KDE, offers usbdump integration, and sports many other
| improvements.



Checking out Nexenta GNU/OpenSolaris

,----[ Quote ]
| I guess the appeal of Nexenta is... hmmm... I'm not really sure. It's
| running GNOME. It's brown. Looks an awful lot like Ubuntu. It's not
| using all GNU tools. Heck, it's not even using BSD tools. I mean,
| really, "ps ax" works on my mac and on my linux boxen. Does it work
| here? Nope. Gives me usage. The man page lies too.


Solaris can never be Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Things haven't changed much at Sun. When Sun launched its
| OpenSolaris project in 2005 it used the Common Development and
| Distribution Licence - which is incompatible withb the GPL - and
| some system code was not released.


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