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Re: Funkenbusch the pathalogical Usenet troll ..

On 2007-11-10, Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:00:55 -0600, Sinister Midget wrote:
>> On 2007-11-10, Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>>>  Watch how Microsoft tried to block NYC from using open source voting systems 
>>>> Stop lying Roy ..
>>> Do you recall when you took to replying to Roys posts, quoting them in
>>> full and then responding with a one liner. Were you on holiday at time
>>> and your replacement wasn't very good at his job.
>> He still hasn't explained why he was doing that either. He said he was
>> going to get caught up because he was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy behind
>> after being gone for a week or something.
>> Now that so much time has passed he might finally be cuaght up enough
>> to expose his master plan so we can stand in awe. If he isn't caught up
>> yet I can only conclude that one of a handful of events of likely
>> events happened during that particular absence:
>> 1. He was lobotomized. Possible, but this is mutually exclusive with
>> the next one, which I happen to think a more likely scenario.
>> 2. His reprogramming was performed by the same team that wrote Vista.
>> And that team thinks his reprogramming was just as good as they
>> evidently think Vista's coding is.
>> 3. A different team reprogrammed him and it turned out fine. But they
>> found a minor bug at the last minute and decided to repair it via a
>> patch rather than delay the programming session. The patch was applied
>> and was just as successful as almost all of the other MS patches.
>> Meaning something else got screwed.
> 4. He wanted to piss you off, and get you scrambling around like this,
> looking for a non-existant reason. And it worked a treat.

Possible. But I think the possibility of that is just a bit below the
lobotomy option. Plannning it like that would require more forethought
than I think he's capable of having.

I can handle pain until it hurts.

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