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[News] [Rival] Call for Action Against Windows Vista Forcefeeding, Bugs Abound

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Call for Action Against Windows Vista Forcefeeding, Bugs Abound
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 07:13:27 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Boot Vista - A CALL TO ACTION!

,----[ Quote ]
| HP may offer XP, but it isn't readily apparent...and it can be implied that 
| they simply just sell Vista. 
| This is troubling for a few reasons:
| 1. Hardware manufacturers are openly pushing and selling a defective product. 
| They either do not offer an alternative, make the alternative more difficult 
| to select, or simply recommend the defective product over the alternative.  
| 2. Before "rolling back to XP", many consumers purchased defective versions 
| of Windows with machines or from stores or the internet, without any 
| alternative.  


Multiple Monitors in Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| So I go into my display settings only to see two of my three monitors 
| available. So I mess with trying to get the other driver to load. I play with 
| the video settings in the BIOS. No luck. As it turns out, the problem is that 
| Vista simplified their display architecture by allowing only one video driver 
| to load...    
| I can definitely see the benefit in simplifying the display driver 
| architecture for Vista. Simple = better when you’re talking about source 
| code. However, in terms of usability this is definitely a step backwards. 
| This only causes pain and configuration issues (and usually expensive new 
| cards) for the user.    


A step back, again.


Robert McLaws: Windows Vista Edition

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Defragmentation in Vista is the worst offender of all. It really has 
| come full circle from the Windows 95 days. 



Dutch Consumer Association declares war on Vista


Analyst slams Vista's 'backward' UI

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista is a step back in usability, researcher claims


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