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[News] IBM Brags About Uptime and Efficiency with Linux and UNIX, OpenBSD Might be 'Boring'?

  • Subject: [News] IBM Brags About Uptime and Efficiency with Linux and UNIX, OpenBSD Might be 'Boring'?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:58:06 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
IBM Powers Data Center Energy Efficiency and Availability

,----[ Quote ]
| Today IBM announced a broad Power Systems Software initiative which includes 
| a six-layer integrated, yet modular, systems software stack for UNIX, Linux® 
| and i5/OS® customers including virtualization, operating systems and 
| integration, high availability, security, energy management and platform 
| management. Within the stack, IBM announced a number of new and updated 
| offerings, extending its lead in UNIX virtualization and energy-management 
| capabilities.  

OpenBSD 4.2 review

,----[ Quote ]
| Of all of the operating systems that I regularly cover, OpenBSD is the one I
| most dread reviewing. It's extremely difficult to find something new to say 
| each release -- it's always the same spiel about small improvements and 
| superior design. Reviews generally concentrate on how much a product has 
| changed since the last release (or review). One thing that hasn't changed in 
| OpenBSD, thankfully, is its outstanding release engineering. 


OpenBSD: The proverbial thrill of victory ... and the agony of defeat

,----[ Quote ]
| So giddy was I that the OpenBSD CD agreed to boot on my converted Maxspeed 
| Maxterm thin client (with a VIA C3 Samuel processor that wouldn't allow the 
| install of FreeBSD, NetBSD, DesktopBSD or PC-BSD) that I immediately launched 
| into an install today. Whoa. I can't remember an installation process that 
| was this geeky. You MUST have the instructions in front of you, or you will 
| get nowhere fast.     



The OpenBSD 4.2 Release

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a partial list of new features and systems included in OpenBSD 4.2. 
| For a comprehensive list, see the changelog leading to 4.2. 


OpenBSD Foundation established in Canada

,----[ Quote ]
| Today the OpenBSD Foundation announced that it has been fully formed as a 
| legal entity in Canada, with the stated purpose of acting as the legal entity 
| for handling donations and other legal and financial matters for the OpenBSD 
| operating system and its associated projects.   


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