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[News] Moving from Windows Vista to Linux is an Improvement

  • Subject: [News] Moving from Windows Vista to Linux is an Improvement
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 06:58:01 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Out the windows...

,----[ Quote ]
| ... in with the doors. Or put in another way why and how I ditched Windows 
| (Vista) for Linux. Vista the worst operating system from MS ever. It eats 
| resources like candies. Come on, on new double core systems it drags and 
| drags for a bit of shiny graphics...   


Interesting Linux wallpaper (a popular one too):

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2198/1764885977_aa6a21e6cb.jpg (connecting the
stars leads to a hidden message)


Goodbye Vista, Hello Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| After talking about it for awhile, last night I disconnected my 
| drive with Vista installed on it and reconnected a 30GB Maxtor 
| drive which I then installed Ubuntu Linux on from the live CD. 
| First thing I noticed?  The install was done in about 20 minutes
| after answering the standard questions that you would expect 
| during an install (time zone, keyboard layout, etc.) 


Vista Security Claims Not All They Appear

,----[ Quote ]
| With the continuing trend of the same vulnerabilities being found on Vista 
| as on other systems, some are seeing it as a reason NOT to upgrade to Vista 
| (or at least not until SP1). Consumers and businesses are continuing to 
| push for the ongoing sale of Windows XP, and there are concerns from 
| some quarters that Microsoft may have painted itself into a corner
| with Vista.


Microsoft plans six critical patches

,----[ Quote
| At least one of the critical vulnerabilities involves Internet Explorer 7 and 
| Windows Vista, both of which were conceived under new and highly vaunted 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| development rigors designed to produce more secure products.  


Broken Windows and the Ghost of Keynes

,----[ Quote ]
| In the history of economic thought, this is Multiplier Effect, the belief 
| that an increase in spending leads itself to more spending and even more 
| spending, in a feedback loop that in the end amounts grows the entire 
| economy. This bootstrap theory was popularized by John Maynard Keynes and 
| became influential in some circles as a way to reduce underutilization in the 
| economy. In other words, if unemployment is high and industrial capacity is 
| underused, then it is worth while to have the government make work for people  
| or spend money. Work, any work, will get the money flowing again. This lead 
| to the various "alphabet agencies" of F.D.R.'s New Deal program.       
| [...]
| In the end is $70 billion of new value really being produced? Or are we 
| merely fixing broken Windows? 


Vista Capable of Misleading Customers

,----[ Quote ]
| Have you ever looked at Vista Home Basic? Calling it a dog is an insult to 
| all hard-working canines. It can't run Vista's eye candy, the Aero Glass 
| interface. It doesn't have DVD video authoring or Media Center support. 
| Compared to Windows XP Home SP2, I'd call it a downgrade.   


Houston, we have gotten rid of Vista!

,----[ Quote ]
| OK. So I installed Vista on my sweet LG S1 laptop (OK, it's not mine... but I 
| like to think it is). 
| This list of problems forced me to go back to XP!


Vista Flops, Users "Upgrading" to XP

,----[ Quote ]
| There’s no demanding reason to buy Vista especially considering the 
| complaints. Therefore those of you with Vista, stop the frustration and 
| upgrade to XP in order to enjoy your PC again!  


An Open Letter to Microsoft: Re-Release Windows XP

,----[ Quote ]
| It's time to sober up on Windows Vista. This just isn't working out,
| and your users are getting frustrated to the point where they're souring
| on Windows altogether. In case you haven't seen some of the more
| noteworthy blog posts on this topic, I refer you to Chris Pirillo,
| Scot's Newsletter, or Spend Matters. Or check out the recent bug
| reports regarding product activation and security flaws. This is all
| stuff I managed to dredge up that was written yesterday.
| People are unhappy with Vista. Really unhappy. And though I know Microsoft
| has its own form of Steve Jobs' reality distortion field, it certainly
| can't keep you from seeing at least some of the sobering sales figures and 
| the crush of disappointing reviews of Vista. I don't want to dredge up all 
| the reasons people are unhappy with Vista in this letter. I want to talk 
| about what you ought to do stop a mass migration to Linux and the Mac.
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Retail Windows' Dim Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| I thought I had seen the worst of the new PC-buying situation. I was wrong.
| On Saturday, we visited friends in Fredericksburg, Va., where I had chance to 
| see, not one, but two miserable Windows Vista PC buying situations. Retailers 
| share the blame with manufacturers and Microsoft, which should never have 
| unleashed Windows Vista Home Basic (aka Windows Basic) on unsuspecting 
| consumers.     


Dell casts doubts on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell today revealed that it will restore the option to use Windows XP on
| some of its home systems, marking a potentially damaging blow to
| Microsoft's hopes for the newer Windows Vista.
| [...]
| While a popular request through the company's IdeaStorm website, the
| choice was substantially outnumbered by requests for pre-installed
| Linux, US-based technical support, and other features -- pointing to a 
| larger general demand for the change. The turnaround may be a reflection of 
| an overall backlash against Vista, observed IDC analyst Richard Shim.


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