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[News] Ubuntu Communities Are Growing Quickly in the United States

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu Communities Are Growing Quickly in the United States
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 00:55:41 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 66

,----[ Quote ]
| 5 Loco Teams up for Approval at the next Council Meeting
| At the next Community Council meeting, there will be 5 loco teams up for 
| approval. Denmark, New Jersey, Georgia, New Mexico, and Michigan have all 
| submitted to become approved teams. This is an unusual amount of teams to 
| submit for approval at one time. It shows that the loco team project is very 
| much alive and healthy.     


A Ubunutu ecosystem in the making?


USA-wide Approved LoCo's by the end of the year! Lets do it.

,----[ Quote ]
| OK folks are you ready make something cool happen? Christer and co at the 
| excellent USTeams Project are working hard to get an Ubuntu LoCo team in 
| every state in the USA.  


Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 64

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu Developer Summit
| Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) for Hardy Heron was held in Cambridge, 
| Massachusetts. The sessions fell under certain tracks, like Community, 
| Kernel, Platform, Server, Mobile, QA, and Desktop.  


Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue51

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical Job Opportunities
| [...]
| The Minnesota Loco Team got off to a flying start that can be attributed to 
| the recent Digg article, great support, and enthusiastic team members. After 
| getting it's start just a week ago, this team already reports having 
| registered 13 members in Launchpad, and participating in their IRC channel.    


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