Welcome to the ArtistX 0.4 experience!
,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX 0.4 is ready for download. Now comes in two flavours (Gnome and KDE)
| and both include the Powua Client and Powua Tutorials.
Berry Linux 0.86
Kas ir AUSTRUMI-1.6.0 ?
,----[ Quote ]
| • Visātrākais Linux distributīvs, turklāt ar 3D atbalstu jaunākajām
| videokartēm
| • Satur visas darbam un izklaidei nepieciešamās lietotājprogrammas
| • Ērta grafiskā lietotāja saskarne Latviešu, Krievu, Angļu, Itāļu un Grieķu
| valodā
| • Vienkārša sistēmas ielāde no CD, flash drive vai HDD
| • Pielāgots gan serveriem, gan darbstacijām
Another Linux Mini Distro: Berry Linux
,----[ Quote ]
| Berry Linux, which based in Japanese, but it provides English version too, is
| a bootable CD that features, automatic hardware detection.
Final Release: Berry Linux 0.82
,----[ Quote ]
| Berry Linux is a bootable CD that features, automatic hardware detection. It
| supports many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI, USB, and other peripherals.
| If you have network devices, DHCP is auto-configured so you can use the
| Internet.
Welcome to ArtistX - version 0.3 Just Released
,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX is a live DVD which turns a computer into a full
| multimedia production studio. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux
| and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D
| graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform.
| It doesn't need to be installed, and boots directly into a running
| system without touching hard drives. The files produced with ArtistX
| can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is
| running.
Austrumi 1.5.1
,----[ Quote ]
| Austrumi is not free of some errors like the lack of documentations or some
| errors in translations but besides this details, Austrumi seems to be a solid
| distribution and accomplish very well the purpose it was created for.
AUSTRUMI Version 1.4.0 Released
,----[ Quote ]
| AUSTRUMI is a business card size (50MB) bootable Live CD Linux
| distribution. Imagine the ability to boot your favorite Linux
| distribution whether you are at home, at school or at work..
,----[ Quote ]
| AUSTRUMI is a business card size (50MB) bootable Live CD Linux distribution.
| Imagine the ability to boot your favorite Linux distribution whether you are
| at home, at school or at work..
AUSTRUMI Version 1.4.0 Released
,----[ Quote ]
| AUSTRUMI is a business card size (50MB) bootable Live CD Linux
| distribution. Imagine the ability to boot your favorite Linux
| distribution whether you are at home, at school or at work..