Some people have all Google posts kill filed, so I'm just quoting this
so that it will be more widely read.
On 2007-11-18, tim.the.bastard@xxxxxxxxx <tim.the.bastard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I mistook a [H]omer post for a Roy post, and mistakenly chastised Roy
> for its serious errors. [H]omer used the same quoting style as Roy,
> and I saw the post via Google rather than my regular newsreader, so
> managed to miss that it was an imitation, not the real thing.
> I don't like the general level of accuracy of Roy, but he only
> deserves to be criticized for his own mistakes, not those of others.
> (Posted via Google because I am posting from a hotel lobby on my new
> iPhone, which I recieved as a very unexpected gift a couple days ago.
> That is also why I was reading COLA via Google--to try out the
> browser. This phone is excellent, especially for a 1.0 product. It
> will be interesting to see what the next version is like!)