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Re: Channel 4 On demand

Attila wrote:

> Jeremy Fisher wrote:
>> I missed a program on Tuesday night I would have liked to watch, so
>> decide to use 4oD.
>> [rant on]
>> I should have known better, unless you use M$ you are discriminated
>> against, no open access here. The other annoying bit is I can view video
>> clips, but not watch a program that I could have taped and watched until
>> the tape wears out, but because they have been sold on DRM by that
>> multiply convicted company, that producer of bug ridden shoddy software
>> propped up by large advertising budgets, I and anyone else who understand
>> why open standards are so important, are pushed to one side. Wake up you
>> corporate proles smell the roses Microsoft is dying, its as viable as
>> George Bush winning a noble peace prize...
>> [rant off]
>> For all the good it will do I have written expressing what I think, does
>> anybody have any links to organisations who are opposing this corporate
>> stupidity?
>> Jem..
> Does anyone know if this is a Channel4 issue or is it a condition imposed
> on Channel4 by the film distributors as a condition for using them on an
> "on demand" basis. In any event writing to Channel4 is better than not
> writing to them. The BBC fiasco seems to be getting a fair amount of
> publicity now. Cheers,
> Att

Reply I got from C4, Interestingly I never made mention to Linux only open

Dear Jeremy,

Thank you for your email regarding 4oD.

Unfortunately we cannot say when the 4oD service will be available to users
of other platforms, including Mac OS and Linux. The problem is, our content
providers (e.g. the production companies who make our shows), insist on
using a DRM licensing system.

The DRM (Digital Rights Management) system basically protects the video
content from duplication and broadcast outside the UK & ROI. Currently they
insist on using Microsoft's DRM, and because of this we can only support
Microsoft operating systems.

Linux currently has no such DRM system available and so our content
providers will not allow us to support the Linux operating system. Macintosh
do have a solution, however the closed DRM system used by Apple is not
currently available for licence by third parties and there is no other
Mac-compatible DRM solution which meets the protection requirements of our
content owners. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer 4oD and
other video content to Mac users at this stage.

We are sorry to disappoint on this occasion and assure you that if changes
throughout the industry happen, as we would like, we will ensure the support
of other operating systems.

If you require further information, feel free to email me back or visit


Randy Carragher
Channel 4 Customer Support

Please read our Terms and Conditions at

We've updated our website! Check out our new help section and FAQ's 

Channel 4 take no responsibility for third party websites

Original Message Follows:

      Name: Jeremy Fisher
      Problem Summary: Who can access 4oD?

      Comments: I am very aggrieved to find that I have no access to 4oD, I
would have liked to use this service, but find that I am being discriminated
against due to my choice of operating system. What I find incredulous is the
adoption of products to use this service provided by a corporation that  is
anti competitive, and sells shoddy insecure products. 
Is it not about time Channel 4 adopted best business practice, stopped all
collaboration with companies with a track record of court fines for illegal
business practices, and move to open standards that allow all users access
to you services.

Jeremy Fisher

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