After takin' a swig o' grog, bmillerjacobson@xxxxxxxxx belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> On Nov 14, 7:27 am, Linonut <lino...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Let's get one thing straight here. I do what /I/ want, not what /you/
>> want.
>> The same is true of most everybody here.
>> Okay, back to the regularly-scheduled pogrom....
> Look, I'm not trying to order you around. I just think that if we all
> stopped troll feeding at the same time, they would just go away.
There's no way, absolutely no way, to even set up that experiment.
And I doubt they would go away, anyway. The more serious of them post
simply to stuff Google with anti-Linux FUD. And they don't just post
here, by any means.
> I enjoy troll feeding too, sometimes, but the fact is that trolls have
> been paralyzing this group and sidetracking otherwise legitimate
> discussions.
That's their job. That's what they do.
Just relax and enjoy a rum and COLA.
Tux rox!