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Re: Why Won't Roy Schestowitz Combine his posts into a Journal?

Linonut wrote:

> After takin' a swig o' grog, flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx belched out this bit o'
> wisdom:
>> Actually you couldn't be more wrong.
>> While there are agenda pushers in every forum, digg for example does a
>> very good job of dumping them.
>> Take a look at Roy;s rating.
>> Take a look at some comments about him.
>> Filter out the haters and the shills if you wish, even using his own
>> paranoid ideas of whom is out to get him.
>> Do it any way.
> Look, flats, I simply don't care.  

Why do you keep replying to the troll then?

> I don't have the time for that Digg 
> shit.
> Or any other kind of personality cult or blog feeding.

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