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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Still Tries to Buy Market Share (Virtually Paying Users for Attention)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Still Tries to Buy Market Share (Virtually Paying Users for Attention)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:43:00 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft looks to lure search users with prizes

,----[ Quote ]
| As part of an ongoing effort to chip away at Google Inc.'s dominance of the 
| Internet search market, Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday began a new push to lure 
| users to its own service with the promise of prizes such as T-shirts and 
| video games.   


Search engines are usually free. Microsoft's search is so bad that Microsoft
needs to **pay** people just to use it (more examples below). Didn't it bribe
Nigerians to beat Free software (Mandriva)? Selling something at negative
prices ought to be illegal, especially when you are a deep-pocketed convicted
monopoly abuser.


Microsoft: 'Financial incentives' for Live Search data

,----[ Quote ]
| In an apparent attempt to boost its disappointing Web search market
| share, Microsoft is giving financial incentives to large enterprise
| customers whose employees use Microsoft's Live Search engine.


at least no chairs were thrown…

,----[ Quote ]
| A friend of mine was walked out of Microsoft today.
| I’m not talking about Stuart Scott, the now former Microsoft CIO who was 
| canned for “violating company policies.” No, another friend decided to leave 
| the MSN Live Search team and join Google Kirkland.   


Another Microsoft Search reorg: Shum now leads engineering

,----[ Quote ]
| That same month, Windows Live Platform VP Blake Irving resigned, as did Chris 
| Payne. the Corporate Vice President in charge of Windows Live Search. 


Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows
| Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources
| close to the company.


Former Microsoft Search Chief Bill Bliss On Early Search Missteps

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill's biggest regret? Not bypassing middle management that wasn't
| listening to him scream about the coming threat of Google and going
| right up to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. 


Microsoft Search Leader To Leave Company

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. vice president who led the company's push into
| Internet search is leaving the software giant as the effort he
| helped launch loses ground against lead competitor Google Inc.


Live Search's High Dive

,----[ Quote
| Microsoft's August and September declines clearly show that gimmicks aren't 
| enough to gain and maintain relevant search market share. 


How Microsoft Clubs to Search Gains

,----[ Quote ]
| We checked with Hitwise, and they explained that June gains include “searches 
| automatically generated from a promotion on club.live.com,” up to June 9,  
| 2007. After that they stopped counting the data. 


Tracking Internet Use Remains Difficult

,----[ Quote ]
| For example, this month Nielsen said search-engine queries for No. 3-ranked 
| Microsoft Corp. jumped about 80 percent in June, a curious development for a 
| search engine that had been continuously losing market share.  
| Microsoft said the gains were the result of a word game promotion, in which 
| players had to form words out of a jumble of letters. As part of the game, 
| Microsoft's search engine automatically hunted for Web pages that contained 
| the word being guessed at.   
| The promotion raises the question of whether these clicks were the result of 
| using automated means, and therefore shouldn't be counted. 
| Nielsen product manager Scott Ross said the company sees no need to change 
| the June search-engine rankings. Yet, he conceded that critics -- including 
| Yahoo, operator of the world's second most popular search engine -- may also 
| have a point about Microsoft using questionable means to spark the surge in 
| popularity.    


By E-mail:

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| Live.com has been pinging people's sites with what appears to be referrer 
| spam.  There is a thread about it here: 
| http://www.webmasterworld.com/msn_microsoft_search/3424476.htm  
| I posted a summary here -- I suspect that it's just old fashioned referrer 
| spam: http://pocketseo.com/analytics/146 
| Some other takes on it:
| I thought you might be interested.  I attached a sample excerpt from one of 
| my sites' logs in case you haven't seen it before.  [...] 

Microsoft’s Club Live fiasco

,----[ Quote ]
| People were using the macro on more than 3 games at a time, on more than 2 
| accounts at a time, why Microsoft didn’t pick up on the fact that in the 
| first few days some people had accumulated enough for 3 Zunes each is beyond 
| us. Some were lucky, others, not so much.   
| [...]
| So far no one has been banned from using their accounts, which they needed to 
| sign up, probably because they did not break any laws, or probably because 
| Microsoft didn’t want that hassle and liked their new found traffic.  


Bots Helped To Boost Microsoft Live Search Gains

,----[ Quote ]
| In a blog post, Compete analyst Steve Willis attributed Microsoft's 
| search gains to prizes awarded to users participating in Live Search 
| Club, which features games that post queries to Microsoft's search 
| engine.
| [...]
| Microsoft is essentially being DDoSed by thousands of people hundreds 
| of times per minute, but they are mistaking this rise in traffic for 
| people actually using Live Search."


Microsoft ties Windows Live services to OS in updates

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is tying its Windows Live services directly to its Windows OS.


Windows Live to Get First OEM Bundle

,----[ Quote ]
| The initial bundling would be for the Live homepage and Windows Live
| Toolbar, according to sources. Live search also is expected to be
| included in the deal. Other products or services could come in the
| future.



Microsoft 'not happy' with search results

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is continuing to lose market share in the search business
| to industry rival Google, something the software maker's financial
| chief said Thursday he is "not happy" about.


Will Berkowitz keep Windows Live?

,----[ Quote ]
| At the risk of moving this article over to the opinion blog, many
| of the problems Berkowitz faces were caused not by too much focus
| on technical wizardry, but by a lack of clear direction, both for
| MSN and for Windows Live.


Sources: Several Windows Live Projects Halted

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's Windows Live desktop search project has been
| shelved "indefinitely," although not much reasoning has been
| given as to the reason for its demise.


Ozzie: Vista, Office must adapt to Web era

,----[ Quote ]
| Ozzie said that the transition to integrate online services into Microsoft 
| products has been a challenge but that changes within the company are 
| happening.


Will Web 2.0 ultimately kill Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
|  Allchin shared his thoughts on Windows Live (which, along with Windows and 
| developer tools also falls under his organization); competition with Google 
| and Apple; and why a client-based version of Windows won?t ever completely 
| disappear, regardless of how successful Web services become.


MSN Still Going Nowhere Fast

,----[ Quote ]
| It is worth noting that Microsoft still hasn't made any headway
| in the search-and-portal game and, in fact, is falling farther andf
| arther behind. As a result, it is not surprising that Steve Ballmer
| is now warning media companies that Google is the Evil Empire --
| because no other competitive tactic has worked.


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