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[News] [Rival] Apple and Microsoft Reach a Roadblock in Development

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Apple and Microsoft Reach a Roadblock in Development
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 03:54:13 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
How Web 2.0 evangelists make the Microsoft monopoly stronger

,----[ Quote ]
| Not to labour the point, here are some inconvenient facts.
| OS innovation has never been slower: Windows and Mac users have never had to 
| wait longer between OS releases. They've never been unhappier, either: many 
| users of the latest incarnations of these operating systems - Vista and 
| Leopard - feel like abused guinea pigs. And Microsoft and Apple? Never 
| wealthier, thank you very much.    



Leopard is the New Vista, and It's Pissing Me Off

,----[ Quote ]
| Before Apple makes any more smug OS-related attacks on Microsoft, it ought to 
| take a good look in the mirror. 


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