* flatfish fired off this tart reply:
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 22:31:34 -0500, Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>Indeed. Like an efflorescence of red tide, flatfish is back, with a
>>platoon of sock puppets piling on Roy in an attempt to ridicule him into
> Silence Roy?
> Why?
Why would he respond to your stupid "calling out"?
> Roy is the single BEST advocate for NOT using Linux software.
Nah, he's actually pretty decent.
> Roy is to Linux advocacy what Pat Robertson is to religion.
Nah, he just gets a bit obsessive. Been there.
> The more Roy Spams, the worse this group becomes and the more clouded
> and convoluted the search engines become.
What a farking load of crap. You know what pollutes this group the
most? The posts of Clogwog, the Dizum Dipshit, that Linux-Sux nutcase
who posts from Teranews, and you, the flatfish.
It's a crap flood, and you are part of it.
Tux rox!