On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 12:43:34 -0500, flatfish wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 17:08:11 +0000, Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:45:52 -0500, flatfish wrote:
>>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:29:56 +0000, Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 19:21:19 -0500, flatfish wrote:
>>>>> Assuming you use Epson 9 pin dot matrix printers and Hercules graphics
>>>>> cards, Linux is a great choice.
>>>>You're still a stinky, lying troll, flatty, polluting COLA. Do you enjoy
>>>>being despised as filth?
>>> Not at all.
>>Then why not bugger off and leave us all in peace once and for all?
>>> At least I'm smart enough not to lick the boots of those who call me a
>>> troll or troll feeder, like Roy and Mark call you.
>>You're not smart. A smart person would give up being a stinky troll and
>>get some sort of life. Youy slag Roy for posting advocacy (however biased
>>he might or might not be), but you spend hours and hours writing worthless
>>filth. How does that make him more stupid and obsessed than *YOU*,
>>repeatedly crawling back into COLA to spew the same tired lying shit for
>>the thousandth time?
>>> Grow a spine Kier instead of caving in to these loonies.
>>Despising you for your filthy behaviour, stalking and other crimes has
>>nothing to do with licking anyone's boot, you stinky little troll. I have
>>criticised Roy in the past, and probably will again, for not being
>>accurate enough in his posts. But at least I don't write slanderous filth
>>about him, like you do. At least I don't trawl digg to gind adverse
>>comments about him. At least I don't nymshift, lie, spew racist crap,
>>trash Linux and act like an arsehole the way you do.
> You seem to have an obsession with the word 'filth' ?
> Are you an obsessive/compulsive per chance kier?
No. That's more like you, flatty. Filth is what *you* are.
> If so, Roy and you are a perfect pair as he wrote someplace that he
> takes 5 showers a day.
> God only knows where he finds the time.
Still on with the slanders, eh, flatty?