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[News] Korea Supports GNU/Linux, Locked in by Microsoft's Active X

  • Subject: [News] Korea Supports GNU/Linux, Locked in by Microsoft's Active X
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:33:31 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Could Internet Banking be free from Window?

,----[ Quote ]
| Nonghyup has begun to provide internet banking service for Linux users since 
| 2006. It is possible by installing a separate middleware in the Linux PC in 
| order to access Nonghyup internet banking site. The logic is based on the 
| introduction of a program functioning Active X emulation into Linux OS.   


The vicious monopoly 'extended' the Web for its own financial benefit and it
tries to do this again at the moment (SharePoint/OOXML/XAML/Others). The
article is poorly translated, but it repeats an old story about an entire
nation that got locked in to an abusive monopoly through a brutal Active X
dependency (banks). It's another classic story about Microsoft's evil deeds
(more below).


ODF a National Standard in Korea

,----[ Quote ]
| The proposal for ODF to be accepted as a Malaysian Standard by SIRIM, 
| Department of Standards Malaysia and ultimately the Minister of Science, 
| Technology & Innovation is dormant for more than a year now. Four months 
| after the Malaysian proposal went to sleep, Italy made ODF a National 
| Standard. Eight months after that, Korea has followed suit. With this Korean 
| news, perhaps the Malaysian proposal will be awakened.     


Korea, No with comments to OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| Korean government concluded that OOXML is incomplete for ISO standards right 
| now and suggested some of complements for that. 



The cost of monoculture

,----[ Quote ]
| Korea will only get beyond this problem by 1) applying Korean laws
| on open standards to the certificate authorities, 2) reassigning new
| certificates which work with open web standards to all Koreans, 3)
| reprogramming all Korean websites to support 128 bit SSL which will
| allow for a heterogeneous marketplace of operating systems and web
| browsers. This is a herculean task and thus Korea stays hostage to
| Redmond.
| Fascinating history. Unintended consequences and de-facto monopolies
| create costs too high to calculate and must be borne without question. 


Is MS Overcharging Koreans for Vistas?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft?s Windows Vista program is selling in South Korea at
| prices up to 70 percent higher than in the United States or
| Japan, with Microsoft blaming Korea's immature market
| for the price difference.


Consumers in No Hurry for Vista Upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| In a survey of 4,144 members of Danawa.com, a price comparison site,
| only 14 percent of respondents said that they will immediately upgrade
| to the Vista platform when Microsoft releases it on January 30.


Korean government warns against Vista upgrade 

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ministry of Information and Communication said that it wished it
| could tell a private company like Microsoft to postpone the release
| of Vista, but it can't. The best thing, an official said, was not to
| install Vista before you know what you're getting into.


South Korea, OSS License Guide Announced

,----[ Quote ]
| The Guide explains how to strategically manage and utilize open source SW as 
| well as what the open source SW is and how to use it. Explanation for GPL, an 
| open source SW, published in June, 2007, is included in the Guide as well.  


Korean software firm sues Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Korean newspaper Chosun, the US software mammoth has been 
| accused of causing a loss in sales revenue estimated at W30bn (US$1=W918) 
| because the firm's Windows operating system comes pre-loaded with a media 
| player and instant messaging.   
| Seoul Central District Court confirmed yesterday that Digito was suing 
| Microsoft in the US and Korea, claiming that the software giant had violated 
| the Fair Trade Act since 2000.  


Motorola adds Carrier Grade Linux partner

,----[ Quote ]
| Embedded Linux provider Wind River has forged a joint development, marketing, 
| and support agreement with Motorola's network equipment division, it says. 
| The "strategic alliance" aims to bring Wind River's Carrier Grade Linux (CGL)  
| and VxWorks OSes to Motorola's AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA (pictured at left) 
| products.   


Motorola selling Razr2 phone in S.Korea

,----[ Quote ]
| Motorola accounted for 11.5 percent of the Korean handset market as of the 
| end of April. Samsung Electronics Co. held 55 percent and LG Electronics Inc. 
| had 19 percent, according to Korea-based ATLAS Research Group.  


Korean court rebuffs Microsoft in patents case

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has taken another slap from the authorities in Korea, after
| a court decision in a patent dispure raised the prospect of Officeb
| eing taken off the shelves in the country.
| Microsoft said it was continuing to dispute the patent's validity.
`----                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Consumers in No Hurry for Vista Upgrade

,----[ Quote ]
| In a survey of 4,144 members of Danawa.com, a price comparison site,
| only 14 percent of respondents said that they will immediately upgrade
| to the Vista platform when Microsoft releases it on January 30.


Haansoft Teams Up with Redgate, Targets Linux Market in Asia

,----[ Quote ]
| Haansoft said on Wednesday that it had teamed up with domestic
| security firm Redgate to reinforce security for 'Asianux.'


First phase of Korea's open-source city is high success

,----[ Quote ]
| Following the trend of open source adaptation in major cities worldwide, 
| one of the major Korean cities, Gwangju Metropolitan City, successfully 
| jumped onto the open source transition, receiving spotlight from related 
| industry. 


South Korea's ETRI develops advanced Linux desktop search system, puts end to
erroneous results

,----[ Quote ]
| On 21st, South Korean R&D firm ETRI announced that they have developed new 
| Linux desktop search system, 'antbear'. The antbear can analyze and run 
| advanced text searches, producing more accurate results by precisely 
| analyzing the search words.


An open source development project 'Winter of Code' just got launched!

,----[ Quote ]
| Soonseon Kwon, who runs KLDP (Korean Linux Documentation Project)
| said, "This is the first ever open source event in Korea and I hope
| it will serve as a good opportunity to promote the open source to
| Korean students. I also hope that both the students and resulting
| projects can put a positive effect on the open source community."


'Genome Project' Led by Open Source HPC

,----[ Quote ]
| The BLAST tool module is highly compatible to run on Linux
| platform with advantage of considerably faster result compared
| to running on other platform.


Army Considers Shift to Open-Source Programs

,----[ Quote ]
| Following the trend of the nation's government agencies, universities
| and post offices, the South Korean military is considering jumping onto
| the open-source bandwagon.
| Open source refers to programs, of which source codes are available for
| use or modification by anyone. The codes are not owned by an individual
| or company.
| [...]
| The Army has shown interest in open-source programs, such as Linux, over
| the past few years, and it began two pilot runs with Linux recently.
| It plans to invest up to 400 million won this year to build an education
| center for open-source software and establish systems to run war-game
| simulations based on Linux. 
| In addition, Army computer officials met with Linux experts at the
| state-backed Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA) late last month
| to delve into the feasibility of its Linux scheme.
| "At the request of the Army, we visited them to explain Linux in late
| August," a KIPA official said. "We hope it deploys Linux as its main
| operating system."
| "If the Army that puts security and stability first selects Linux, it
| would provide momentum for the country's open-source initiative since
| the decision would assure people of the reliability of Linux," he added.
| Linux is free software that offers an alternative operating system to
| the closed-door Windows operating program owned by Microsoft, which
| today dominates the global market.
| The Korean government is working to reduce its reliance on Windows by
| strengthening the presence of Linux and other open-source programs.
| Korea Post, the country's postal service provider, last year started a
| four-year program to install a Linux-based operating system on thousands
| of PCs in its nationwide branches.
| A new online information system for schools, dubbed the National
| Education Information System, also opted to use Linux-powered platforms
| on its 2,331 servers last year.
| In addition, earlier this year, the government designated Kwangju City as
| a Linux city and the Gangwon Provincial University as a Linux university.
| The two organizations have installed open-source software as their primary 
| operating systems. 


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