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[News] [OT] Multi-millionaire Wants to Kill Legal Sharing, Media, Software Downloads

  • Subject: [News] [OT] Multi-millionaire Wants to Kill Legal Sharing, Media, Software Downloads
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:20:44 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Mark Cuban Urges ISPs to Block P2P

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuban has been trying so very hard to convince the world that the Internet is 
| not capable of legitimate video delivery. He's supporting an outright ban on 
| p2p because he knows it will eventually compete with traditional broadcasts 
| and disrupt his bottom line. His portrayal of p2p as "evil mac-and-cheese 
| theft" (TM) masks a fear of having to someday compete with operations such as 
| Vuze.     


Self-serving SOB.


Consumer groups want Comcast fined for thwarting the Bible

,----[ Quote ]
| A number of consumer groups are petitioning the FCC to fine Comcast $195,000 
| for every customer affected by their BitTorrent-throttling practices. The FCC 
| has said in the past that service providers can't "block" customers from 
| using certain applications or websites, but it hasn't enforced that policy.   


Comcast reported to FCC

,----[ Quote ]
| P2P throttling breaks FCC 'net neutrality' policy
| [...]
| Among the consumer groups who have approached the FCC are the Consumer 
| Federation of America, the Consumers Union, the Media Access Project and 
| professors at the Internet practices of the Yale, Harvard and Stanford law 
| schools.   


Comcast's "We Don't Throttle BitTorrent" Internal Talking Points Memo


Comcast Isn’t Net Neutral; Are They Liars, Too?

,----[ Quote ]
| Following reports that Comcast isn’t net neutral, Consumerist blog has 
| acquired several leaks from Comcast insiders, claiming that they do indeed 
| use Sandvine for packet shaping, and that customer service representatives 
| are being told nothing about how the network technology works,   


Senators want probe of Comcast's BitTorrent 'discrimination'

,----[ Quote ]
| The senators suggested the incidents indicate "Congress should consider 
| adopting targeted regulations to protect consumers and ensure a vibrant and 
| open communications platform."  


Congressman to Comcast: Stop interfering with BitTorrent

,----[ Quote ]
| While a class action lawsuit is definitely one way to get Comcast to behave, 
| another perhaps more productive way to do so is to have politicians step in 
| and regulate.  
| On Tuesday, I discussed the issue of Comcast's anti-BitTorrent "network 
| management" with Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Va., who is a strong supporter of 
| consumer rights and has led the battle to undo the damage caused by the 
| Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA.    


OiNK Down, Norwegian BitTorrent Trackers Next

,----[ Quote ]
| With the BitTorrent world spinning on its heels after the shock takedown of 
| the huge OiNK tracker, there are now indications that the shutdowns may 
| continue. According to the lawyer who lost against ‘DVD Jon’, next stop is 
| Norway and raids are imminent.   


TorrentSpy Traffic Plunges After US Ban

,----[ Quote ]
| The MPAA has caused TorrentSpy, once the most popular BitTorrent site, some 
| serious headaches. After a federal judge ordered TorrentSpy to log all user 
| data stored in RAM, they decided to block access to US users, consequently 
| their traffic dropped significantly.   


BitTorrent Admin Monitored by US Government, Forced to Dump Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Sk0t, an ex-administrator of the EliteTorrents BitTorrent tracker is to have 
| his internet connection forcibly monitored by the US Government. If that 
| wasn’t bad enough, the monitoring software is Windows based - which means he 
| is being forced to ditch Linux - or face being barred from the internet.   


Is Comcast's BitTorrent filtering violating the law?

,----[ Quote ]
| Assuming that the SYN packet goes through, the three-way handshake is allowed 
| to happen, then the two hosts will be able to begin communicating. Your ISP 
| can still kill the connection later, should they wish to, merely by blocking 
| the transmission of future packets.   
| According to Torrent Freak, Comcast is not doing this. They are instead 
| sending a reset (or RST) packet to the Comcast customer, pretending to be 
| from the host at the end of the BitTorrent connection.   


Comcast Cuts Off Heavy Internet Users

,----[ Quote ]
| Customers complain bandwidth limits are secret.


Torrentspy Disables Searching For US IPs

,----[ Quote
| Torrent indexing site Torrentspy.com appears to have disabled torrent 
| searches for IPs that originate in the United States. 


Comcast Throttles BitTorrent Traffic, Seeding Impossible

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the past weeks more and more Comcast users started to notice that their 
| BitTorrent transfers were cut off. Most users report a significant decrease 
| in download speeds, and even worse, they are unable to seed their downloads. 
| A nightmare for people who want to keep up a positive ratio at private 
| trackers and for the speed of BitTorrent transfers in general.    
| [...]
| Last year we had a discussion whether traffic shaping is good or bad, and 
| ISPs made it pretty clear that they do not like P2P applications like 
| BitTorrent. One of the ISPs that joined our discussions said: “The fact is, 
| P2P is (from my point of view) a plague - a cancer, that will consume all the 
| bandwidth that I can provide. It’s an insatiable appetite.”, and another one 
| stated: “P2P applications can cripple a network, they’re like leaches. Just 
| because you pay 49.99 for a 1.5-3.0mbps connection doesn’t mean your entitled 
| to use whatever protocols you wish on your ISP’s network without them 
| provisioning it to make the network experience good for all users involved.”        


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